Ivan Cristina
Compatibility: This package is compatible with iOS iOS 7 to 13.3.
Customise your iOS default accent in macOS style, choosing between some preset colours. Simple, clean, and most importantly open source!
A color picker is not in plan, due to the philosophy of the tweak itself.
A respring may be useful for an optimal result.
🌐 Teal, 🔵 Blue, 🟣 Purple, 🔘 Pink (Default), 🔴 Red, 🟠 Orange, 🟡 Yellow, 🟢 Green, ⚪️ Gray
Added blacklisting app feature
Added Teal tint.
Removed a double %ctor cycle apparently causing issues with Theos optimizations.
Added support to ChatKit (iMessage) Bubbles (com.apple.MobileSMS).
Deb compiled with FOR_RELEASE=1 rather than FINALPACKAGE=1 due to Theos optimizations causing some functions to break. Will investigate.
Added support to Notes.app (com.apple.mobilenotes).
Assing support to UIAlertViews, fixed a bug causing tint coloring to happen even in disable state.
Initial Release.